Our journey home was a smooth one. Although our bags got on an earlier flight than we did we finished our journey without any disturbances. No baggage lost, no getting mugged, no one stole from us, nothing bad happened that you hear about all over the internet and news. It was a pleasant and wondrous journey. This trip around the world was something that we enjoyed thoroughly. God has blessed us with this amazing adventure to look back at and remember. We will NEVER forget this blessing and how much it brought us closer as a married couple.
We experienced diving the Great Barrier reef and visiting the Steve Irwin Zoo in Australia, the temples, Hiroshima, The cherry blossoms, the communal baths and Mount Fuji in Japan, the beer fest, beautiful Garmisch, the Dachau concentration camp and the heavy but oh so delicious food in Germany. La Sagrada familia, the latin clubs and the excitement and culture of Spain. The islands in Greece and the famous Parthenon in Athens. The cheese and the wine tasting in Switzerland, the Eifel Tower, the Louvre and Notre Dame in Paris. The red light district and freedom of Amsterdam. The food, the Colosseum and the gondolas in Italy and so much more we cannot all say in just one post. And the food, OH THE FOOD EVERYWHERE. We definitely indulged in our take of gyros, cheese, wine, paella, sushi, japanese cuisine, schnitzel, beer, and so much more that we cannot even begin to describe. Our journey was our own and something we will always cherish.
We also cannot thank enough the people who helped us get through this journey. Thanks to the wifey's parents for paying for the plane tickets to Europe as a gift to the wifey for getting her masters degree and thank you for buying us our backpacks and all of the little travels Knickknacks. To our cousin in Barcelona, Jose, thank you so much for your hospitality, your yummy cooking and for letting us crash at your place while vising Spain. Thanks to Cassandra for letting us stay at your dorm for a little over two weeks while we traveled through Switzerland and a part of France and for showing us around with your boyfriend. We will never forget the good company, experiences and wonderful food. And a special thanks to the Rosario's again for letting us use their home in Germany as our hub while traveling throughout Europe. You gave us our own room, provided us with meals, took us to a memorable German fest, invited us to meet your friends and made our journey that much more easier. Words really cannot say how much we are grateful to your family. And to all of the people who followed our blog and lived vicariously through our Journey. Thank you for partaking in this adventure with us and thank you for all of your support and comments. Till our next travel adventure!!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Pics of Garmisch and Stuttgart, Germany- our last weeks traveling!

The wonderful Italian restaurant in Germany.

Bobby dancing with the beautiful Myra!

Lovers living the dream enjoying the fourth of July.

Mom and me.

Fourth of July fun!

Lovers living the dream!

Bobby enjoying his amazing Jager schnitzel!

Paragliding so much fun!

The wifey paragliding in Germany!

The beautiful scenery.

I won $ 50 playing bingo at the resort.

Bobby in front of our mountain- the Kramersplitz!

Again our last name is a common German name!
Back to Garmisch and Stuttgart, Germany
Ok so we know that this post is wayyyyyy over due but after our adventures in Amsterdam we decided that we had to take my parents to experience the wonderful Garmisch, Germany. And again it was amazing but with better weather this time. We took my parents towards to mountain side and decided to take advantage of the lifts this time. During our walk to the lifts however I (wifey) spotted paragliding and just had to partake in the adventure. Now paragliding is much like skydiving except you basically just jump off of a mountain thousands of miles up. It was an experience that will never be forgotten. The mountains of Garmisch, Germany were just beautiful and words really cannot describe the feeling of paragliding in another country. It was one of those surreal moments during our trip. The paragliding also lasted a good 45 minutes which was much better than the couple of minutes you get from skydiving. That night we took my parents back to the restaurant that we fell in love with the first go-around. And although my mother is super picky with her food she thoroughly enjoyed her turkey cordon bleu and Bobby and I indulged in the Jager Schnitzel that took our breaths away. This time it was grilled and even better. On our way back to the hotel we took a taxi and had a very good laugh at Bobby's expense. To make a long story short the cab driver had a ring tone that wistled "TAXI TAXI" and it rang while we were in the car. The ring tone sounded so real that Bobby was looking around for the woman who was yelling taxi. The German taxi guy laughed so hard it took him a minute to come around to telling bobby that it was his ring tone and we literally all laughed the entire way to the hotel. It was a memorable experience to say the least.
Our time in Garmisch was short but well worth the journey and then we were headed back to Stuttgart. Three trains later we were back in our hub. We spent the rest of the days enjoying a wonderful german/puerto rican/american barbeque to celebrate the fourth of July. Some of the neighbors were wishing us a good forth of July for our country and it was nice to see that they had recognized our holiday. Once the partying was over we spent the next couple of days figuring out how we were going to send everything home. We wounded up buying another suitcase to fit all of our extra belongings and gifts that we bought along the way. It was bittersweet to pack our things but we were both ready to get back home and get back to real world (our real world anyways). We bid farewell to our wonderful friends who took us in and let us use their home as our hub (the Rosarios- THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH) and we made our 24 hour trip back home (connections and all).
Our time in Garmisch was short but well worth the journey and then we were headed back to Stuttgart. Three trains later we were back in our hub. We spent the rest of the days enjoying a wonderful german/puerto rican/american barbeque to celebrate the fourth of July. Some of the neighbors were wishing us a good forth of July for our country and it was nice to see that they had recognized our holiday. Once the partying was over we spent the next couple of days figuring out how we were going to send everything home. We wounded up buying another suitcase to fit all of our extra belongings and gifts that we bought along the way. It was bittersweet to pack our things but we were both ready to get back home and get back to real world (our real world anyways). We bid farewell to our wonderful friends who took us in and let us use their home as our hub (the Rosarios- THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH) and we made our 24 hour trip back home (connections and all).
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