Bobbys meal..beef and fried rice!

Our appetizers.

Bobby at a restaurant.

Pointing to the giant penis.

Having a good time in Kobe, Japan!

Bobby and our new japanese friends!
Bar hopping!

Bar hopping!

Melt in your mouth good!

The vegetables..including tofu, potatoes, mushroom, soy noodles and another japanese vegetable (forgot the name).

Our cuts!


Yummy garlic chips!

The couple ready for the famous Kobe steak with their bibs on!

Tamika with Loic. A new friend!

Kobe steakhouse menu!

The lovely couple!

2nd pic of Tamika...

Tamika is ready for the night!

Bobby is ready for night!

Our entertainment on the way to Kobe, Japan!
Tamika waiting in the Bullet train (shinkansen)!

Famous Hakone pirate ship for siteseeing.

Some more pics of the sea life at the Hakone Aquarium. Wifey's dad would love the King Crabs for dinner.
The pics are so cool. Wow bobby you look different with the new look. Looks good. I enjoy the pics. Glad you are safe and having fun.